Monday, December 28, 2009

Everything You Do...

One of my mentors often says, "Everything you do is like everything you do." There is so much wisdom in this, and I've begun to really ponder what this means. The person who rushes, is always busy, is always late will bring these qualities to every act she attempts. The person who holds deep-rooted anger inside will find many situations in life which flare his anger. The person who feels like the world is out to get her will continually be defeated by circumstances she thinks are beyond her control.

This is because these qualities are within us, not external to us. It is not the broken-down bus blocking traffic that makes us late; it is our own habits and energies. Some even claim that, as a part of universal consciousness, we create each and every situation in which we find ourselves. In this understanding, we have created the broken-down bus to teach ourselves a lesson...most likely about mindfulness, patience, being in the moment, even about preparation and flexibility.

So I ask myself, What energies do I want to bring to everything I do? I want to dispense with perfectionism, with rigidity, with egotism; in their place, I want to cultivate equanimity, flexibility, compassion. Let us be people who are mindful, honest, and compassionate with ourselves about the energies we bring to everything we do. Let us be conscious, choosing those energies that, instead of deflating us, best serve us and the world.

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